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How Tethered Photography Can Increase Sales

Do you really want to lug around another piece of equipment just for the sake of tethering at shoots? 

Yes. Here’s why!

Encourages People to Purchase in Real-Time

Tethering at events, for example weddings or social gatherings, is a fantastic way to not only generate interest in your photography, but it also creates potential for on-the spot sales when people see your gorgeous shots and get caught up in the emotion and excitement of the day.

Makes You Look More Professional and Builds Client Confidence

Although many people nowadays have camera phones or a DSLR with auto setting, they probably don’t have a tethering setup with a dedicated Tether Table AeroTetherPro Cable, and other pro workflow gear at their fingertips. And when it comes to your client experience, tethering makes a big difference. By tethering, you’re able to show your client their vision come to life with your shots in real-time.

Clients and/or subjects can often spend so much time worrying about how they look in the shots or if their ideas are coming through, and sometimes, hovering clients can be a little unsure about the positioning or angle of the shot. When tethering, the client can quickly look through the shots building their confidence on the shoot and you as a professional photographer. This boost in confidence is key when acquiring referrals or additional sales with the client.

Saves Time and Reduces the Chance of Reshoots

One of the most time-consuming parts of a photoshoot is going through photographs. When you tether, you can have the client choose their favorite photos right then and there, so you can get straight to editing without any back and forth over email trying to get their final choices, freeing up more time for you to book your next shoot. An added bonus is that your clients will love being able to do it on the same day.

The worst nightmare for many photographers is getting home after a shoot and uploading the files to a computer, only to realize the focus was slightly off. It can be especially difficult to tell if there is a focus, composition, or exposure issue when you’re shooting in the field. When you tether, you reduce the risk of reshoots due to any such errors.

Increases Collaboration

Finally, tethering is beneficial because it can increase collaboration between the client, art director, assistant, makeup artists, and more. They can get and provide feedback and make adjustments as necessary. The whole production works in synch to produce the best images for the client.

Original article by Kevin Jenkins posted on Tether Tools site.

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